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Writer's pictureRum&Cocoa

The color GREEN in witchcraft

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

Every color corresponds to an energy we might be wishing to attract in our lives, it directs certain energies into our minds. Incorporating color in our craft is an easy and subtle, but powerful thing to do to enhance our intentions of the desired outcome. There are countless ways and things we could use a certain color on. You might even be doing it unknowingly already!

Ways to incorporate color can range from picking the color of clothes or makeup we wear to the colors of the things we put on our altar space. You can apply certain colors to candles, altar cloth, worship and deity preferences, charms, amulets jewelry, flowers, home decor, herbs, food, beverages, crystals, visualizations in chakra work, paper and/or ink and so on.

What also matters is the shade of the colors e.g Darker shades are more grounding and formal, bright hues set your intentions clear and accent bright energy.

Some people believe that wearing a certain color on a certain day of the week, according to the planets, is considered lucky.

Either way, what is most important is what you, yourself associate with a certain color and it's best to use it like that.

As a green witch I cannot help but choose the color green to write about first, as my craft revolves around it tightly.

So what does the color green actually symbolize in witchcraft?

In witchcraft green color mainly symbolizes the Earth and earthy matters - plants, fertility, growth, new beginnings, healing, transformation, career, money, immortality, grounding and good health. It calms the nerves, brings joy and love to your heart and balance to your body or surroundings. It can ward of feelings of jealousy and envy as well.

Overuse of the color green can lead to feelings of boredom and stagnation.


Elements: Earth


Chakra: Heart

Planet: Venus, Jupiter, Mars

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Cancer

Days of the Week: Friday, Wednesday, Thursday

Tools: Cauldron, chalice

Tarot: Emperor, Sevens, Aces

Deities: Demeter, Osiris, Pan, Pomona, Sylvanus, Thunor, Yarilo, Mut, Lupercus, Kuan Yin, Isis, Ishtar, Freya, Fortuna, Faunus, Eostre, Dionysus, Amon, Bast, Ceres,

Contains both Male and Female energy

The color green can be brought into your magical workings by using green altar tools, green candles, green minerals and crystals.

Decorating your surroundings with the color green encourages a sense of balance and calm.

Wearing green brings luck while gambling or engaging in any money-making enterprise.

Using green as a nail color can help in finding a new employment or finding money.

Incorporating green in candle magic can bring money, prosperity, fertility, healing and growth.

You can burn a green candle on a Wednesday when looking for a job or for money and abundance.

Another way to use green in your craft is by using crystals like green Aventurine, Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Serpentine, Peridot, Chrysoprase, Moss Agate etc. They are great for spells enhancing plant growth, healing your heart and bringing tranquility.

Whichever way you choose to incorporate this color in your craft be sure to expect abundance as this is the ultimate color of rebirth, renewal, new beginnings, attracting and experiencing the natural world in a deeper way.

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