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Writer's pictureRum&Cocoa

Journey of "The Fool" pt.3

Picking up where we left off, Welcome to the last stage of the Fool's journey. On stage one we were focused on the social self, a time of experiment with the identity (the Fool), our power (The Magician), our intuition(The High Priestess), our sensuality and nurturing (the Empress). It was a time of learning about the pros and cons of structure (the Emperor), holding the values and traditions (the Hierophant), exploring relationships (the Lovers) and the power of determination, and holding one's ground(the Chariot). There the Fool answered the questions of "who am I?" and "how do I fit into the world?". On stage two the focus was on the inner world and the morals we need to develop as every action we take has a consequence for us and other people. This is the part of the journey where ideals and values were put to the test and many old patterns and habit were stripped away. Here self-control (Strength), solitude (Hermit), careful consideration (Justice), release of control (The Hanged Man), transformation (Death) and patience (Temperance) and their importance were learned. There the Fool answered the questions of "What do I believe in?" and "What kind of person do I want to be in this world?"

So, what does the last chapter hold for our hero?

Last time we left off with The Fool meeting Temperance, where he obtained health, peace of mind, composure and grace. What more could he need?

The answer is not much, but our hero continues to pursue the deepest levels of being. Continuing his journey the Fool comes across a black mountain, where a half goat , half god creature reigns - The Devil. At his feet, chained to his throne, people engage in every indulgence imaginable - sex, drugs, gluttony, alcohol. As the Fool approaches them his carnal desires grow and he feels as if this is yet another trial to test his spiritual growth and resists with all his might. The Devil finds his resistance curious as he isn't trying to control or test, but just shows what is already within us. Upon closer look The Devil doesn't hold the people hostage, they can easily slip out the chains, they just choose not to. The Devil does not mean evil, he holds great power and teaches the Fool that there is nothing shameful in having material desires and instincts and that they are actually helpful in pursuing higher realms. The Devil teaches that power, although it is frightful and dangerous is also a key to freedom and transcendence if one chooses to take the chains off and follow that path.

This is why when this card shows itself in a tarot reading it represents your shadow side and the negative forces that influence your decisions and thoughts. These forces hold you back from being your best version. In a reading this card means you are succumbing to your bad habits and addictions. You seek short-term pleasures and you suffer in the long-term. This is a card of choice, the choice of instant gratification over your long-term well-being. In a way you are selling your soul to the devil. When the Devil shows up you should see it as an opportunity to end these negative patterns and free yourself.

Another thing the Devil can mean is a co-dependent, toxic relationship because you don't protect your boundaries enough.

Whatever you are experiencing the Devil is here to show you that you have a choice to stay in a negative and toxic space, or use your desires to reach a higher place and freedom.

As the Fool leaves the Devil's lair, he comes upon the Tower, perched on top of a mountain. The Tower represents one's ego, it looks as a fortress, but is really a prison. The Fool himself has built a tower like this when he sought after being better than everyone else. In this tower live arrogant men, convinced of their rightness. Looking at the picture we see the tower is built on shaky foundations and it doesn't take much to destroy it, just like our egos, ambitions and falsely made goals. Surprised and terrified that he sees this tower again, The Fool shouts and with that shout a lightning strikes the tower sending everyone residing in it falling. It is an absolute chaos representation. On the picture of the card we see a crown flying off the top of the building to symbolize a type of divine dethronement of arrogance and comfort. This is the card of divine intervention. The old and corrupted must be destroyed in order for something more solid and better to be built in its' place.

Similarly, when this card shows up in a reading you can expect massive change, destruction and chaos. It could be anything ranging from death, financial or health problems, natural disaster, divorce, anything that will shake you to your core. However, trust that this is for your highest good as whatever the Tower has destroyed for you was built on rotten soil. Even if your world is crashing down before you, you will see that this world is filled with false assumptions, illusions, lies, and etc. is that really considered a loss then? After a Tower moment you will experience a growth in strength, wisdom and resilience.

Alternatively, the tower could just mean a sudden revelation or spiritual awakening. the The Tower card is an opportunity to break free from old, false ways of thinking and actions that have been holding you back.

Our hero now finds himself sitting empty and despairing in the place where the Tower stood, amongst the rubble. He has just realized most of his life was a lie. He wishes for some guidance and then sees a girl with two water urns emptying one in a pool of water and the other onto the ground. She pours the water out to nourish the earth, so people have what to eat, and to the pool, so they have drinking water. She gives the Fool water and fruit from a tree nearby and so he feeling a bit better he lays on the ground looking at the stars. The girl then tells him how the stars are like possible futures, distant, but if you keep your eyes on one it will be your guiding light home. Soon she too turns into a star - the new guiding light for our main character, giving him new hope.

Correspondingly, when the Star card pops up in a reading it means you are realizing that no matter what curve balls you are thrown you know the Universe has your back. You are given new hope and faith, after the turmoils peace is finally coming your way. This is a time of spiritual growth. This is the card of dreams coming true. On the other hand it could also mean that you are making changes in your life and you might be rediscovering inspiration or starting again with a fresh perspective.

With a lighter heart the Fool continues his journey through a forest following his star. The Moon rises and lights up a water path in front of him. He begins to feel disoriented as if in a dream. Passing under the moon and between two pillars he finds himself in another land entirely. This world he has caught glimpses of behind the veil of the High Priestess and while hanging upside down from the tree as the hanged man. Now he has finally went pass that veil - between the physical world and the spiritual one. Here he finally finds the mysteries he has sought after for so long. This is a land of artists, poets and madmen. Along the river he finds a boat and realizes he has two choices - stay in the land of desolation and illusions and become a madman himself or sail away under the moon, surrendering himself to his unconsciousness. So he decides to sail away.

However to fully understand the meaning and lesson behind this we need to look closer at this card. The Moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams and unconsciousness. The light it has illuminates a path to a higher consciousness - one of artists, poets and madmen. The small pool symbolizes the emotional and intuitive subconsciousness. The dog and wolf standing on the opposite sides of the stream represent the tame and wild aspects of us. We know that some part of the moon is hidden away and so similarly the moon card symbolizes the hidden that can only be unfolded with our intuitive knowing.

When the Moon card shows up in a reading it represents your fears and illusions, past traumas that still influence your present decisions. The moon suggests that you are repressing a part of yourself that is manifesting as anxiety and fear. This card wants to shine a light on these issues, so you can work on them and free yourself.

Moreover the moon might be showing up to tell you that you are in a situation where you don't have all the facts and that it is not what it seems. When it shows in a situation like this you should know that you need to feel out your path instead of thinking of it. You need to be in tune with your intuition, dreams and unconscious signs in order to navigate through.

As this card is heavily associated with Pisces and artists, it could also be a sign that you need to connect with your artistic side more or alternatively, that you have artistic abilities that you should explore and make use of.

The Fool awakes at dawn to find that the river has brought him to a serene pool. Around the water is a garden full of roses sunflowers and lilies. The Sun rises over his head and the Fool hears a child laughing, he looks over to see a little boy riding a pony in the garden. The child grabs the Fool's hand and starts walking him around and showing him everything in the garden from the small insects to the way the sun reflects in the water. At some point the Fool looks up at the Sun and finds himself smiling genuinely for the first time in a long time. After all his trials he finally feels purely happy all thanks to the child's innocent and curious energy. He turns to ask the child who it is, but the child only smiles and turns into the Sun.

The sun radiates optimism and life source. Looking at the card we see four sunflowers which represent the for suits of the Minor arcana and the four elements. The child symbolizes the joy and purity of the connection to our inner spirit.

Likewise, when the Sun shows in a tarot reading it represents success, radiance of positive energy and abundance. This card suggest that you are given strength and happiness and you radiate it which brings people to you. If you are going through difficult times the Sun suggests you stay positive in order to prevail. Believe in yourself and it'll work out.

This card call you to express yourself and your inner light and creativity. It also gives you increased vital energy and zest for life.

As the Fool leaves the garden of the Sun, he feels that he is near the end of his journey, ready to take a final step. But something is keeping him from doing this, holding him back. He gazes up and sees above him a fiery angel. The angel tells the Fool that he has one more quest and that is to let his past to rest, to come to terms with it. The angel then proceeds to give The Fool a trumpet. Taking the trumpet the Fool feels hesitant at first, but after a while he realizes that the angel is right and that there is no other way to proceed, so he thinks about all his past experiences, emotions, actions. Some make him feel ashamed, guilty, sad, while others make him feel happy and accomplished. He comes to terms with it all and makes the final transition, He blows the trumpet and the Earth beneath him cracks, the spirits of his past selves emerge from the earth and fr the first time he faces them, forgives them, they forgive him and they ascend to the sky. They remain as memories, but no longer have any leverage over him. The Fool is reborn and he realizes you can't escape the Judgement day

Accordingly, the Judgement card comes up in readings to tell you that its time for you to rise up and meet yourself, your past lessons, mistakes and actions. It's time to make peace with it all in order to ascend in consciousness. This is the call you have been waiting for to transcend to a higher frequency. The Judgement often suggests it's time you make a difficult decision that is going to be life-changing, this decision need to be both from your intuition and intellect, but you have what it takes to make it.

Alternatively, this card comes up when you are on the verge of a new significant stage in your life journey. You are finally coming to peace with yourself. The card suggests you share your experiences and revelations with a community as they might help others who are struggling, or they might help you and you will help each other rise up.

The Fool turns to take that final step and finds himself right back where he started, at the edge of that very same cliff he almost stepped over when he was young and too foolish to look where he was going. But now he sees his position clearly. He thought he could separate body and mind, but in the end, it is all about the unity of self: mind, body, past, future, the individual, and the World. With a knowing smile, the Fool steps right off the cliff…and soars. Ascending higher and higher, until the whole world is his to see. And there he dances at one with the universe. Ending where he began, beginning again at the end. Thus, the Fool’s journey is complete.

Looking closer at the card we see a woman wrapped in a purple cloth, dancing inside a large laurel wreath. She looks behind her to the past, while her body moves forward to the future, showing their unity. In her hands are two wands like the one the Magician holds, showing that what the Magician started has now come to completion. The wreath is symbolizes the cycle completion and new beginnings. Around the wreath are four figures (a lion, bull, cherub and eagle), similar to those in the Wheel of Fortune. The World and the Wheel of Fortune are connected in that way as they both show the cyclical nature of life. The four figures represent the four fixed signs of the Zodiac—Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, symbolic of the four elements and the four suits of the Tarot.

Similarly, when this Major Arcana pops up in a reading it means that a long-term project, period of study, relationship or career has come to completion. This could represent marriage, graduation, promotion, birth or any type of achievement. Everything is coming to its place , you are doing the right thing and achieving what you envisioned. This card suggests a feeling of wholeness and achievement.

Alternatively if you still haven't reached that point, then it means you are very close. Look back at your past experiences and draw wisdom from them it could be what you need to reach this feeling of accomplishment. If loose ends exist it's time to either cut them or complete them in order for new opportunities to come.

Another thing this card could mean is travelling the World. Be it on a overseas trip to study or work, this card suggests you will be aware of people, cultures and issues on a global scale.

This is how the last stage of the journey ends. This last stage was all about opening up the consciousness to the cosmos. This is the stage where the Fool developed his spiritual identity. This is the part of the journey where listening to the inner voice and following one's own spiritual path becomes the most important thing. Here the Fool dealt with temptation (The Devil), dramatic misfortune(The Tower), he found new hope(The Star), released control and surrendered to his intuition (The Moon), found his inner child again and felt real joy and happiness (The Sun) came to terms with his past and was able to let go (Judgement) and finally the World was at his feet, as he opened completely to life. (The World). By reaching the end of his journey the Fool finally felt completed and whole, totally in tune with himself and the world around him. He became free to dance around in the cosmos for eternity.

Thus, from now while reading if you encounter a Major Arcana you can just put the person you are reading for in the Fool's shoes and remember this story in order to interpret the cards.

Blessed be Witches!

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