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Writer's pictureRum&Cocoa


Since the beginning of time, the Moon has been the central figure of many myths, practices, and belief systems all around the world. The fact that the Moon phases have control over the tides of the oceans is enough proof of the power of the Earth's natural satellite. Since the human body is mostly made of water the gravitational pull of the Moon can create a mini version of those tides in our bodies, which again proves that the connection we feel to the moon is no coincidence. Hence, all the beliefs and connections of it to witchcraft.

The most common belief of many cultures is that working rituals at the time of different phases of the moon can bring about physical or psychological change or transformation. These rituals have historically occurred mostly around the full moon and to a lesser extent the new moon. Such practices are still common amongst adherents of neopagan and witchcraft systems such as Wicca.

Like the Sun, the Moon is linked with many Gods and Goddesses and has been seen as a symbol of love, passion, fertility, mystery, death, rebirth, and the afterlife. Traditionally, Wiccan covens meet for Full Moon rituals to honor the Goddess on the Esbats (Sabbats honor the Sun God while the Esbats honor the Moon), a practice adopted by solitaries as well.

While the rituals may vary in different practices the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone) is always at the center. Many Wiccans like to align the focus of their Esbats based on the time of year the Full Moon is occurring in e.g. the Maiden (Diana) during Spring; the Crone(Hecate) during Autumn and Winter.

Alternatively, if there’s a specific magical goal to be reached during your Full Moon ritual, you should choose a Goddess that corresponds with it. For example, Aphrodite may be called upon for magic related to love, passion, abundance and Hecate could be called forth in relation to rebirth. However, many covens are devoted to just one aspect of the Goddess throughout the year.

The magic energy of the full moon

Magic and the phases of the moon are tightly connected. If we divide roughly the phases in two - Waxing and Waning, we can then easily see that during the growing of the moon, we do magic for increasing/starting/bringing into realization AND during the Wane, we do magic for decreasing/finishing/releasing/banishing unwanted elements.

The Full Moon is the transition between the Waxing and Waning. It is a time of harvesting what we manifested over the first half of the cycle. It is also a time of "cleaning up" and releasing things, which will not be needed during the second half.

The Full Moon is considered the most powerful and magically potent phase of the entire lunar cycle. This is why many witches may save particularly important spellwork for this day.

So, what are the things we, as witches, can do during the Full Moon?

1. clearing and charging crystals or other magical tools - You can do this by gathering your crystals and using the energy boost of the Full Moon to cleanse and charge them with your intent. This can be done by doing some form of meditation and burning incense, which relates to the moon's energy e.g sandalwood.

2. Divination - Since the Full Moon is said to increase your intuition and awareness any spells of divination, tarot and oracle readings is encouraged during this time.

3. Spending time in the moonlight, bathing in its light is also a very powerful thing to do on a Full Moon. Stay under and just observe, communicate your fears and expectations, anything that comes to mind.

4. Moonlight water, or catching the moon's reflection in the liquid's surface and charging it with intention. You can do this by taking a small cup or bowl and filling it with water (rain or river one is best) or wine, standing under the moon, and positioning it so you catch the moon's reflection. Make sure you charge the water with whatever power, wisdom, or knowledge you obtain from the moon and then use this water to bless yourself or anyone/anything you desire with its; energy. You can bathe in it, drink it, offer it to the spirits, Gods, or save it in a bottle to use in spells. Don't forget to charge it with intent on your part.

5. Drink Moon Tea. Do this by using a herb associated with the moon energy e.g mugwort, hibiscus, Aloe, or Jasmine. Make sure you spend time and attention making the tea. Use a nice cup, catch the moonlight in the tea, drink it while thinking of soaking up the moon's energy.

6. Self-care rituals. e.g cutting your hair, bathing, skincare any form of pampering really.

7. Make sure you find out which zodiac sign it transits in and evoke the energy of it while doing your rituals.

8. It is also a good time for love spells & money spells.

9. You can sing a song or recite/write a poem dedicated to the moon

10. Meditate or write the things you want to rid of on a piece of paper and burn it/burry it.

These are some of the main things you can do to celebrate the full moon. Whatever you do make sure you manage to use this powerful time as it is especially potent and magical for witchcraft of any type. Furthermore, it is a great time for manifesting your wishes and goals for the future.

Have fun & Stay Blessed Witches!

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